Is A Clay Pottery Business For You?

How to Manage Products and Customer Orders?

Arts & Crafts

Even though it is thrilling to create unique, new pottery products it is critical to always put your customers orders first. Your speed with production and your respect for them as your customer is what will keep them coming back for more clay pottery products. If you choose to create pieces for the shelves in your store before completing your customers orders, you are bound to lose your customer base because of slow production and delivery time. If your customer orders pile up, be sure to complete them in order of who completed their pottery order first and always inform your customers of their wait time.

Creating an inventory list is a sure way to help you manage all of your orders. By knowing the number of pottery pieces that are in your shop and the amount of supplies you have to create them such as ceramic decals or ceramic transfers, you will know exactly the numbers of orders you can complete within the week. By working blind you can easily run out of products before your orders are half way through. This can result in a complete catastrophe for your business. To avoid this disaster take one day a week to go through all of your products and supplies to see what you are working with for the week or month.

Organization is not only the key to success, but it is also an excellent way to manage all of your clients products and information. A few items to use for organizing your business are filing cabinets, computers and the most important, receipts. Without these you will have no way to find your clients information with ease and you will add more stress to your daily work schedule as everything in your shop will be in complete havoc.